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ACROWRX - Time History

📢 - INFO

This page provides detailed information about how to use the time history chart in ACROWRX.

Time History

Time history shows a graphical representation of your flight over time. Engineers will love it, and pilots will learn to love it.

Time history is a powerful tool that helps you to:

  • Find events during your flight - for instance, a double wing dip maneuver always has a very distinctive shape along the roll rate time history. The same applies for arcs, snaps, etc.
  • Check how you are actually performing the maneuver - for instance, in a rolling turn, looking at the altitude or height time history allows you to see how much altitude variation you have, or roll rate time history will show you how steady your roll rate is.

Time History

The ACROWRX time history displays the following information:

  • Load factor in g's
  • Roll rate in deg/sec
  • Speed in your selected speed unit (right menu option)
  • Altitude AMSL in your selected distance unit
  • Box heading - this is your heading in relation to the box - 0 degrees is the positive x-axis
  • Height AGL - in your selected distance unit


Markers that you drop (using keyboard keys 0-9) are also marked in the time history. The last marker dropped can be moved with the mouse (click and drag).