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As an web based system, ACROWRX had to do some adaptations for FAI/CIVA/IAC rules. This page describe the adaptations made on Form A


For flights uploaded with a OpenAero sequence, a Form A will be available to other users to score yoru flight. This Form A follows the general concepts of FAI/CIVA/IAC, but has some adaptations to be used on a web application.

After access other user's flight for analysis, the Form A panel is revealed in the Analysis Window by clickin on the pencil and paper icon on the top right corner of the chase view window.

Comment and Score Icon

The following image describe the main elements of the ACROWRX Form A.

  • As an usual Form A, each figure is placed on one row. Hover your mouse over the figure to see Aresti Codes, K and SF.
  • Score - you can type your score, or, if the cell is highlighted you can use the keyboard keys + and - to make 0.5 mark increments.
  • Out and Interruption - in ACROWRX it is responsability of the judge to pay attention to the Box boundary flags and mark outs. The judge also should mark interruptions. With the score box highlighted, the keyobard key O will tick an Out mark. There is not keyboard shortcut for interruptions.
  • High and Low - In ACROWRX it is judge's responsability to mark High, Low and Low Low penalties. With the socre box highlighted, you can use the Up and Down arrows to move this penalty slider.
  • Positioning/Presentation - ACROWRX uses the CIVA system to score positioning and presentation. Each maneuver, if not executed at the appropriated box location, should be marked with letters L, R, N, F, for Left, Right, Near, Far, respectively. Double letters means excess of deviation on that direction. Each letter marked means a deduction of 0.5 points of presentation. With the score box highlighted, you can use the keyboard keys L, R, N, F for move the slider.
  • Remarks - a good judge will pause the flight to write down detailed remarks for the pilot. Good remarks are essential for a good understanding of the score applied to a flight. Take your time to write down the remarks - since ACROWRX allow you to pause the flight.

Form A

Submitting your score

After complete the Form A, you need to submit your score. This is done using the submit button on the top of the Form A.


After submit the Form A you can't change the scores, penalties and remarks any more. Be carefull to review your Form A before you submit it.

Reviewing the Form A

After submit the Form A, your score will integrate the score calculation of that flight. You will be able to review yours and all the other users score and compare them. The complete form A will show each judge score and marks in yellow and the average score and marks in blue.

Additionally, a score panel will be presented, summarizing the total score.

Form A Completed