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ACROWRX - Scoring Calculation

📢 - INFO

Due to the nature of a web app, ACROWRX had to do modifications on the scoring system in relation to FAI Fair Play Sysrtem (FPS). This page explain these modifictions.


This scoring calculation system can't be used to classify flights, it only application is to summarize (average) score submited by multiple judges to a single flight.


At this point ACROWRX system allow all users to score whatever flights they want. We believe that is a great toll to help with critique, but clearly, it is a challenge in terms of statistical treatment of the results. Basically, the problem we face is that we don't have a fixed population of pilots and judges to do any statistical analysis. Although this is a challenge, it is also an importunity to just adopt a simple system: average!

So, the socre you see of flights are simplely the average of all the scores that users gave to that flight.

Some simple explanations are important:

  • Figure scores are averaged between all judges and multipled by each figure K factor.
  • Positioning/Presentation score is averaged between all judges and multipled by IAC presentation K factor.
  • Outs/ Interruptions and Vertical positioning penalties are only considered if they are applied by the majority of the judges.

At the bottom of the each completed Form A, the following scores are summarized:

  • Figure score: sum of all scores multipled by each figure K factor.
  • Positioning points: 10 minus the sum of all positioning marks, multipled byt the IAC positioning K factor.
  • Penalties: sum of all penalties - notice that the average penalties are actaully the sum of all penalties that are applied by the majority of the judges.
  • Total: Figure score + Positioning Points - Penalties

Presenation/Positioning Penalties

ACROWRX uses CIVA presentation/positioning penalties:

  • each L,R,N,F - 0.5 points penalty
  • each LL,RR,NN,FF - 1.0 points penalty

Total presentation/positioning score is equal to 10 minus the sum of presentation/positioning penlaty marks.

ACROWRX uses IAC positioning/presentation K factors:

CategroyK Factor

Judge Rank Index

Like the FPS system, ACROWRX also classify the quality of the judge. Again, due to the open nature of this scoring system, the FPS statiscal analysis can't be directly applied, and an alternative solution is used by ACROWRX.

ACROWRX rank index (RI) is a very simple, but meaningful, number. ACROWRX RI is, in average, how far a specific judge is scoring in relation to the average of the scores of a specific flight. In other words, if a judge has a RI of 1.4, it means that, in average, this judge's scores is 1.4 points off the average score of this flight.

The RI is classified by color as:

  • Green: RI<1.0 - good judge
  • Yellow: 1.0>RI<2.5 - judge not realiable
  • Red: RI>2.5 - judge score should not be considered